Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Trying something new~

I wanted to share some fun I had with the Calligraphy Guild last weekend. We had to make paper paste for a fundraiser for our Guild. I signed up not knowing what I was getting into except to volunteer. It turned out to be wonderful and I learned so much from a terrifically fun bunch of women! Paper Paste is layers of paint on paper, starting with a light layer and building up to a final layer that shows through to the first. Some very talented ladies showed us some fun techniques. We even stamped and used pastels to make our "art" come alive. It took all day and we still have to go back later and add the last layer to our pieces. Take a look at some of the beautiful paper art.


  1. Hey...I didnt know you had a blog too! Yea! This looks too cool!

  2. Oh I wish I could have been there with you! I love making paste paper! It's so FREE and you don't have to stay within the lines!
    miss you,
